Tag Archives: Armenia

Comment: Tokayev flies to Yerevan

APRIL 23 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenia is in the midst of an almighty row with the Kremlin over security issues in the South Caucasus and its diplomatic move towards the West.

This means that Kazakh Pres. Kassym Jomart Tokayev’s trip and the promise of more business deals with Armenia can be read two ways. 

Was it a subtle show of support for Armenia’s position on global affairs? Or was Tokayev acting as a Kremlin envoy, carrying a message to Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian PM?


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Aliyev meets Putin in Kremlin days after Russian soldiers quit Nagorno-Karabakh

BAKU/YEREVAN/APRIL 22 2024 (The Bulletin) — Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s president, flew to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin, Russia’s leader, five days after the Kremlin pulled 2,000 Russian soldiers out of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Under a 2020 peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the soldiers had a mandate to remain in the disputed region until 2025 but the Kremlin said that they were no longer needed. 

“Geopolitical realities in the region have changed and there are no more operational functions left for them,” said Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman. Instead, the soldiers will redeploy to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

In the Kremlin, Mr Aliyev and Mr Putin shook hands and smiled warmly for the camera. They said that they had discussed “regional security” but did not reference Nagorno-Karabakh or the war in Ukraine.

Analysts have said that Russia’s withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh either represents a weakening of the Kremlin’s influence in the region or the emergence of a security pact between Baku and Moscow.

Armenian officials have accused Russia of betrayal and Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian PM, has said that he wants to leave the Kremlin’s CSTO security pact. 

Azerbaijan recaptured the whole of Nagorno-Karabakh in September when a lightning-quick strike grabbed Stepanakert, the rebel capital. Around 120,000 ethnic Armenians fled after the attack and Yerevan has accused Azerbaijan of ethnic cleansing.

On April 16, Armenia lodged an ethnic cleansing case against Azerbaijan with the Hague-based International Court of Justice.

Armenia has also agreed to transfer four villages demanded by Azerbaijan, a move described as an important milestone towards peace. Mr Aliyev had demanded the villages because he said that, historically, they were Azerbaijani. 

The decision to hand over the villages has triggered protests but the Armenian government said it cuts the risk of war with Azerbaijan.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenian banks report profit rise

APRIL 22 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenian banks have reported profits up by 19% in the first quarter of the year because of a rise in their loan portfolios, media said. Armenia’s economy has boomed since the start of the war in Ukraine because of both the influx of relatively affluent Russians dodging mobilisation and extra business generated by importing Western goods banned from being sold directly to sanctioned Russia. These goods are then sold to Russia at a profit.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenian seperatist leader goes on hunger strike

APRIL 19 2024 (The Bulletin) — A billionaire former leader of Armenia-backed rebels in Nagorno-Karabakh has gone on hunger strike in an Azerbaijani prison, media reported. Ruben Vardanyan was arrested in September during a lightning Azerbaijani strike on Stepanakert, the rebel capital. He was the co-founder of Troika Dialog, one of Russia’s biggest investment banks, but he renounced his Russian citizenship in 2022 and moved to Stepanakert to become a leader for several months.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenia strengthens domestic abuse laws

APRIL 18 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenia’s parliament has approved new laws that toughen punishments for domestic abuse, said the New York-based Human Rights Watch. The amendments included coercion as a form of domestic abuse and labelled stalking as a crime. HRW said that more needed to be done to improve women’s rights in Armenia but that this was an important step. It also described the amendments as a move towards the West.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenia to start manufacturing drones

APRIL 17 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenia could soon start manufacturing its own drones, its minister for hi-tech industry, Mkhitar Hayrepetyan, said. He said that Armenia’s defence ministry had already placed orders worth $305m with manufacturers for what he described as “moderate quality” drones. Armenia is trying to arm itself with more sophisticated weapons to close the tech gap with Azerbaijan.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

EU to send “non-lethal” aid to Armenia

APRIL 17 2024 (The Bulletin) — The EU agreed to send “non-lethal” military aid to Armenia for the first time, part of increasingly tight ties. Under the agreement, Armenia will send 10m euros under the European Peace Facility (EPF) which will finance battalion-sized field camps and army medical centres. Last month the EU pledged 270m euros to Armenia to strengthen business and society against Russian influence. ENDS

— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

France recalls ambassador to Azerbaijan

APRIL 16 2024 (The Bulletin) — France recalled its ambassador in Baku after accusing Azerbaijan of deliberately damaging relations. France is a staunch supporter of Armenia and has boosted military supplies since Azerbaijan recaptured all of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh last year. Azerbaijan has refused to take part in peace negotiations mediated by France. French intelligence officials have accused Azerbaijan of spreading disinformation about the Olympic Games due to be held in Paris.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Tokayev wants stronger Kazakhstan-Armenia trade links

APRIL 16 2024 (The Bulletin) — On a trip to Yerevan, Kassym Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan’s president, said that he wanted to boost Kazakh exports to Armenia to $350m/year. This was Mr Tokayev’s first official visit to Armenia. It came as Yerevan tries to weaken links with Russia and boost ties with the West.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Tokayev due to fly to Yerevan for talks

APRIL 15 2024 (The Bulletin) — Kassym Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan’s president, was due to fly to Yerevan for talks with Nikol Pashinyan, Armenia’s PM, in a potential swipe at the Kremlin. Armenia wants to reduce its links to Russia and by flying to Yerevan for talks Mr Tokayev may appear to be giving his support to this diplomatic shift.


— This story was published in issue 564 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 15 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024