Tag Archives: business

Markets: Azerbaijan gold miner still waiting for permission to reopen mine

APRIL 23 2024 (The Bulletin) — Stocks generally moved down over the past week, although Anglo Asian Mining, the Azerbaijan-based gold miner showed an upward shift. Analysts warned, though, that this may be a short-term lift as Anglo Asian is still waiting for permission to restart operations at its Gedabek gold and copper mine in western Azerbaijan.

This is its biggest and most important mine and the company has said that it can’t give full guidance on 2024 potential earnings until it knows when it can reopen the mine.

This has been closed since the middle of last year because of a row over how Anglo Asian stores its poisonous waste matter.

Its share price on the London Stock Exchange has roughly halved over the past 12 months to around 68p.

In other equities news, media reported that BAE Systems, the British arms manufacturer, had increased its stake in Air Astana to 16.95% from 15.3%. Until its IPO earlier this year, BAE Systems had owned a 49% stake in Air Astana, Kazakhstan’s national airline.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Kaspi.kz posts profit rise

APRIL 22 2024 (The Bulletin) — Kaspi.kz, the Kazakh tech company that owns a co-called super-app, posted Q1 profits that were 28% higher than last year. Its shares rose by as much as 6% on the New York Stock Exchange. Floods in north and west Kazakhstan this month have suppressed its share price. Revenue in Q1 was up by 40%. Kaspi.kz listed on the New York Stock Exchange this year. 


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenian banks report profit rise

APRIL 22 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenian banks have reported profits up by 19% in the first quarter of the year because of a rise in their loan portfolios, media said. Armenia’s economy has boomed since the start of the war in Ukraine because of both the influx of relatively affluent Russians dodging mobilisation and extra business generated by importing Western goods banned from being sold directly to sanctioned Russia. These goods are then sold to Russia at a profit.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan to link power grids

APRIL 21 2024 (The Bulletin) — Iran’s energy ministry said that a project to link the Iranian, Azerbaijani and Russian power grids will start towards the end of the year. The deal is seen as important by Iran because it can import much-needed electricity to its northern regions. Russia has pushed the project as part of its improved relations with Iran since it invaded Ukraine. The three countries have also been working on a south-north trade corridor.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

German light aircraft manufacturer to start production in Kazakhstan

APRIL 19 2024 (The Bulletin) — Flight Design, a German light aircraft manufacturer, said that it would start producing in Kazakhstan. Analysts said that the push to produce light aircraft in Kazakhstan showed that the country’s manufacturing base was developing and that the market for small aircraft was also growing.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Fuel demand in Kazakhstan is outstripping supply

APRIL 19 2024 (The Bulletin) — Demand for refined fuel products in Kazakhstan is rising faster than production, the Kazakh energy ministry said. It said that consumption of petrol rose 4% over the past year as living standards rose and more cars used Kazakhstan’s roads. Kazakhstan has three refineries and the Kazakh energy ministry has said that it aims to increase production at them all.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Russian online retailer expands in Uzbekistan

APRIL 16 2024 (The Bulletin) — Wildberries, the Russian online retailer, said that it would build three large warehouses in Uzbekistan, part of its plans to expand across Central Asia. The decision is a major win for Uzbekistan which is centrally located in Central Asia and has the largest population. The warehouses will be built near Tashkent, in the Ferghana region and near Samarkand. Russian retailers have been looking to expand into Central Asia and the South Caucasus because access to Europe has been cut since the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Carlsberg boosts beer production capacity in Kazakhstan

APRIL 19 2024 (The Bulletin) — Danish beer producer Carlsberg launched a new $50m factory near Almaty. Reports said that the new factory will add roughly an extra 30% to Carlsberg production volumes. Beer consumption is growing in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Almaty-based investment company buys Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan

APRIL 18 2024 (The Bulletin) — Visor, an Almaty-based investment company, bought the Kyrgyzstan-based subsidiary of Kazakhstan’s Halyk Bank for an undisclosed amount. Visor has been linked closely with associates of former Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev. Mr Nazarbayev’s daughter, Dinara, and his son-in-law, Timur Kulibyaev, own Halyk Bank, the biggest bank in Kazakhstan. Halyk Bank has previously valued its Kyrgyz subsidiary at $35.2m. 


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024

Armenia to start manufacturing drones

APRIL 17 2024 (The Bulletin) — Armenia could soon start manufacturing its own drones, its minister for hi-tech industry, Mkhitar Hayrepetyan, said. He said that Armenia’s defence ministry had already placed orders worth $305m with manufacturers for what he described as “moderate quality” drones. Armenia is trying to arm itself with more sophisticated weapons to close the tech gap with Azerbaijan.


— This story was published in issue 565 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on April 23 2024

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2024