Tag Archives: Azerbaijan

European Court for Human Rights says Azerbaijan jailed reporter to punish her

FEB. 28 2020 (The Bulletin) — The European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Azerbaijan had imprisoned journalist Khadija Ismayilova in 2015 to “silence and punish her for her work” and ordered the government to pay her compensation of 20,000 euros. Ms Ismaylova, a journalist who has reported on government corruption, was released in 2016 after spending 537 days in jail. She had been sentenced to 7-1/2 years in jail for financial crimes that rights groups said were fabricated. This is the third ECHR ruling in favour of Ms Ismayilova against the Azerbaijani government. She said, though, that it has ignored the other rulings.

— This story was first published in issue 438 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2020

Erdogan and Aliyev sign agreement for ‘preferential trade agreement’

FEB. 25 2020 (The Bulletin) — On a visit to Baku, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a deal with Azerbaijan’s Ilham Aliyev that promotes a “preferential trade agreement” between the two allies. Media reported that in 2019, Turkey’s exports to Azerbaijan were $1.6b and its imports were $400m.


— This story was first published in issue 438 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2020

Azerbaijan says it wants to boost gold production

FEB. 24 2020 (The Bulletin) — Azerbaijan’s state-owned gold mine AzerGold said that it was exploring two new gold mining areas that could be commissioned as mines by 2021. The areas, in the Western Dashkasan region, have already been scoped out and identified as potential sites. Azerbaijan is trying to diversify away from the oil and gas sectors. Last year, Azerbaijan’s gold production grew by 33.2% from 2018. 


— This story was first published in issue 438 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2020

Armenia and Azerbaijan back Iran after US kills top general

YEREVAN/Jan. 3 2020 (The Bulletin) — Armenia and Azerbaijan moved quickly to show support for Iran, which has become a key trading partner over the past few years, after the assassination of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani by a US drone.

Both governments, though, need to tread a fine line as they can’t be seen to be backing Iran too strongly or they risk damaging relations with the US.

In a press release two days after the assassination, Armenia’s foreign minister, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, said that he had spoken with his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif to express his condolences about the assassination.

“The Foreign Minister of Armenia stressed the importance of preventing further tensions and de-escalating the situation through peaceful means,” the statement said.

And it was a similar message from the Azerbaijani foreign ministry.

Azerbaijani and Iranian relations were so strained only a few years ago that they almost came to war. It was disclosed that Israel had developed a secret deal with Baku to use an Azerbaijani airbase so that its warplanes could launch strikes against Iran.

Now, though, relations are much improved and the two countries have a handful of joint venture manufacturing units operating together, including a car production plant.

“The Azerbaijani side calls on all parties involved to refrain from violence and be committed to strengthen regional security,” the Azerbaijani foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Minister Mammadyarov expressed deepest condolences to the leadership and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the death of general Qasem Soleimani.”


— This story was first published in issue 433 of the weekly Bulletin on Jan. 13 2020

— Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

Azerbaijan opens up is air space

BAKU/DEC. 27 2019 (The Bulletin) — Following Georgia and Armenia, Azerbaijan said that it will grant international airlines so-called ‘Open Sky’ access, a move driven by growing demand for stopovers on East-West aviation routes.

By granting the fifth and seventh tenants of the UN’s Freedom of the Air, Azerbaijan will allow international airlines to use Baku, or any other airport, as a stopover between two other destinations.

This is typically used to link Asia and Europe. Airlines will also now be able to use airports in Azerbaijan without flying to or from their home country.

Georgia and Armenia have already pushed ahead with these reforms and have seen their passenger traffic jump as a result.

— This story was first published in issue 432 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 27 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

People vote in Azerbaijan’s municipal elections

DEC. 23 2019 (The Bulletin) — Around a third of Azerbaijan’s population voted in municipal elections seen as a warm-up to a parliamentary election in February. For the first time since 2005 some genuine opposition activists took part in the election, although many others boycotted it complaining that the terms and conditions of the campaign were weighted against them. Analysts have said that ordinary Azerbaijanis are increasingly frustrated with the economic stagnation and corruption. The results of the election have not yet been announced.


— This story was first published in issue 432 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 27 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

Petrofac and Socar JV win BP deal in Azerbaijan

DEC. 16 2019 (The Bulletin) — Jersey-registered oil and gas services company Petrofac said that it had won a contract, alongside its joint-venture partner, the Azerbaijani state oil and gas company SOCAR, to work with BP at its Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oil field, in the Caspian Sea, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. Petrofac did not put a value on the deal but did say that it would run for three years.

— This story was first published in issue 432 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 27 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

Ukraine extradites Aliyev critic before presidential visit

DEC. 14 2019 (The Bulletin) — Ahead of a presidential trip to Azerbaijan, Ukraine detained and deported Elvin Isayev, a critic of Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev known for his coarse use of Youtube videos to attack the First Family. Mr Isayev, who is shunned by most mainstream opposition figures, had moved to Ukraine earlier this year from Russia. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, flew to Baku two days after Mr Isayev’s extradition.


— This story was first published in issue 432 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 27 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

Azerbaijan revises down inflation estimate and cuts interest rates

DEC. 13 2019 (The Bulletin) — Azerbaijan’s Central Bank revised down its inflation estimate for this year to 2.8% – 3% from an earlier prediction of 4% and cut its key interest rate to 7.5% from 7.75%. Azerbaijan’s Central Bank has been steadily cutting its key interest rate since the start of 2018 when it measured 15%. It devalued its currency by 50% in 2015 when global oil prices collapsed.


— This story was first published in issue 432 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 27 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin

Ericsson is to develop 5G technology in Azerbaijan

DEC. 4 (The Bulletin) — Swedish telecoms company Ericsson signed a deal with Azercell, Azerbaijan’s biggest mobile operator, to develop 5G technology, media reported. A press release from Ericsson said that this deal was the direct result of a test process and that a 5G network will be rolled out across Azerbaijan in 2020-22.

— This story was first published in issue 431 of the weekly Bulletin on Dec. 9 2019

Copyright owned by the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin