MARCH 5 2021 (The Bulletin) — OPEC, the Saudi Arabia-dominated oil exporting group agreed to allow Kazakhstan to raise its output. OPEC members had cut production to boost oil prices. Now that prices have increased, Brent crude is at around $69/barrel — its highest since the end of 2019, OPEC has loosened restrictions. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, along with Russia, are not OPEC members but had gone along with the cuts. From April, Kazakhstan can boost its output by 20,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd), up from its current level of 1,437,000bpd. Azerbaijan, though, has agreed to maintain its output at 595,000 bpd.
— This story was published in issue 474 of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin, on March 5 2021
— Copyright the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin 2021