Tag Archives: Tajikistan

Tajikistan-Russia spat escalates

NOV. 16 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A row over Tajikistan’s imprisonment of two ethnic Russian pilots for smuggling has escalated and threatens to do long-term damage to Tajik-Russian relations.

As reported in the Conway Bulletin issue of Nov. 8, Russia reacted with indignant fury at the 8-1/2 year prison sentences handed out by a provincial Tajik court on Nov. 8 2011 to Vladimir Sadovnichy, a Russian citizen, and Alexei Rudenko, an Estonian citizen.

The Russian foreign ministry said the sentences would damage Tajikistan. Since then immigration officers in Russia have rounded up hundreds of Tajik workers.

Around 300 have already been expelled for not having the correct paperwork, according to Russian media. If many more are sent back home it will begin to hurt Tajikistan as almost half its national income derives from remittances.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev says the immigration officials’ actions are a coincidence and not revenge for the prison sentences.

Most commentators, though, don’t see it that way.

Central to the row is what Sadvonichy and Rudenko were doing when they landed their two cargo planes in Tajikistan without permission on a routine Kabul-Moscow flight. They say they desperately needed fuel. Tajik officials say they were trying to smuggle in a jet engine.

Already strained by negotiations earlier this year over Russia’s lease of a military base in Tajikistan, Tajik-Russian relations are now taking another battering.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 65, published on Nov. 16 2011)

28 jailed for supporting terrorism in Tajikistan

NOV. 11 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A court in Tajikistan sentenced 28 people to jail for supporting militant Islamic groups, local media reported. Tajikistan’s authorities are trying to quell a strengthening Islamic insurgency. Courts in Tajikistan periodically sentence large groups of people to jail for supporting insurgents.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 65, published on Nov. 16 2011)

Central Asian countries want a stronger SCO

NOV. 7 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – At a meeting in St Petersburg, PMs from the six countries in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) said they wanted to set up a development bank. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are members of the SCO which is lead by Russia and China. Many analysts see the SCO as a bulwark against western interests in the region.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 64, published on Nov. 8 2011)

Tajik court jails Russian and Estonian pilots

NOV. 8 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A court in Dushanbe jailed a Russian and an Estonian pilot for 8-1/2 years each for illegally landing in Tajikistan with a smuggled jet engine. The Russian foreign ministry said the case was politically motivated. Already strained, the sentence is likely to damage Tajikistan-Russia relations further.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 64, published on Nov. 8 2011)

Clinton visits Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

OCT. 22 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Tashkent and Dushanbe for talks on strengthening NATO’s supply chain through Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to its forces in Afghanistan. Ms Clinton’s officials said she also warned both governments against excessive clampdowns on Muslims.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 62, published on Oct. 25 2011)

Court convicts BBC reporter in Tajikistan

OCT. 14 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A court in the northern Tajik town of Khujand convicted a local BBC reporter, Urunboy Usmonov, of illegal links to an Islamic group and sentenced him to three years in jail. Under a general amnesty decreed in September, the judge immediately released Usmonov. The BBC said Usmonov had been tortured.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 61, published on Oct. 18 2011)

Putin’s Eurasian Union shapes up

OCT. 4 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – So it’s finally official. The Kremlin sees the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union as a tool for further integration.

In an article for the newspaper Izvestiya on Oct. 4, Russian PM Vladimir Putin wrote of his vision for a Eurasian Union based around Moscow’s leadership emerging from the customs union. The timing of this article underlined its importance. This was Mr Putin’s first major policy statement since Sept. 24, 2011 when he said he would return as Russian president.

For Central Asia, but not yet for the South Caucasus, the customs union is already important. Kazakhstan is an enthusiastic member, Kyrgyzstan has officially applied to join and Tajikistan is thinking about it.

Russia uses the customs union as a bulwark against the growing influence of China and the West in Central Asia, a region it considers to be its natural sphere of influence.

Although Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan may be able to afford to resist, for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan it has become politically and economically important to join the customs union.

Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev can also claim to have been the first to float the idea of a Eurasian Union. He mentioned the concept during a speech at a Moscow university in 1994.

Now, 17 years later, this Eurasian Union is gaining momentum.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 59, published on Oct. 4 2011)

US engagement in Central Asia marks the return of the Silk Road

SEPT. 27 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – The Silk Road is back in vogue, at least at the UN’s General Assembly last week.

On the sidelines of the meeting, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and foreign ministers from Europe, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia were busy plotting a revival of the ancient trading route.

Media reports said the US sees the Silk Road as a way of boosting economic activity in Afghanistan from 2014 when NATO forces pull out of the country.

But if the Silk Road, which has always been a concept rather than a single physical route, is going to return to its glory days it requires a stable, prosperous and open Central Asia through which trade can flow.

Kazakhstan, with its anticipated economic growth of around 7% a year and increasingly open markets, is perhaps the only Central Asian state which fits that description. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are relatively closed and instability plagues Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Of course, a modern day trading system already straddles Central Asia. Lorries carry goods from China to Russia and on to Europe and pipelines pump oil from the Caspian to Western markets. It may not be the Silk Road with Afghanistan at its core that the US envisages, but it is a start.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 058, published on Sept. 27 2011)


Islamists release video threat to Tajikistan

SEPT. 16 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A group of militant Islamists released a video threatening to attack government forces and non-believers in Tajikistan, local media reported. Central Asia’s leaders are worried about Islamic fighters moving northwards from Afghanistan. Tajikistan is considered a vital buffer against the spread of violence.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 57, published on Sept. 19 2011)

Central Asia prepares war games with Arab Spring in mind

SEPT. 19 2011 (The Conway Bulletin) – A Russia-lead security organisation involving most Central Asia states and Armenia started a week of military manoeuvres. Russia’s most senior general, Nikolai Makarov, told the Vedemosti newspaper that stopping any potential Arab Spring-style uprising was one of the main aims of the manoeuvres by the Collective Security Treaty Organisation.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 57, published on Sept. 19 2011)