Tag Archives: Tajikistan

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan downgrade flights to Pakistan

JULY 19 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Both state-owned Uzbekistan Airways and Tajikistan’s Somon Air have downgraded their links to Lahore, in eastern Pakistan, citing security concerns and dwindling consumer interest.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)


Stock market: Tethys Petroleum, Olisol

JULY 22 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Tethys Petroleum’s share price has fallen steadily in the past four months, as the Olisol share buy-in becomes a reality. This week it closed at 1.63p/share in London on Thursday, down 6.9% on the previous week.

The Guernsey-based oil and gas company operates chiefly in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In May it reached a final financing agreement with Kazakhstan-based Olisol, which is poised to buy a 42% stake in the company once the deal becomes concrete.

Last week, the company announced the appointment of a new Chief Commercial Officer, Kazakhstan-born Alexander Skripka, who is also a director and shareholder of Olisol.

Mr Skripka had previously worked for state-owned Kaztransgas, the main gas distributor in the country. The link with a state-owned company is perhaps a sign of just how embedded Olisol is in the elite circles of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas sector.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Briefing: Region’s economies sputter into life

JULY 22 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — >>Malaise, downturn recession. What exactly going on in Central Asia and the South Caucasus?

>>All countries in the region are either growing slower than last year or, in some cases, their economies are even shrinking. The crisis is regional, although each country has shown its own specific problems.

>>This is the region-wide problem. I can see but what caused it?

>>The US dollar strengthened so much in 2014 that it triggered a sharp drop in oil and commodity prices. This pulled dollars away from Emerging Markets, like our own patch. As commodity prices sank, Russia fell into a crisis that quickly turned into a recession. The depreciation of the rouble cut the value of salaries earned by migrant workers, triggering a slowdown in remittances to Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

>>Okay, but oil prices picked up again since the 13- year low point in January. Isn’t that good for energy exporters in Central Asia and the South Caucasus?

>>Higher oil prices have helped state-owned oil companies to relax their emergency mode, but they’re still too low to justify the region’s most expensive projects. Think of the Kashagan oil project in Kazakhstan’s sector of the Caspian Sea, or the upgrade of Azeri Chirag-Guneshli oil project in Azerbaijan. Plus there are negative signs for transparency over the re-organisation of government companies and structures in the energy sector in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

>>And what about the other commodities, such as gold and aluminium?

>>Gold is a big component of Kyrgyzstan’s GDP as it depends on the performance of the Kumtor gold mine in the east of the country. This year, operational problems and corporate battles have slowed production, which has significantly hit Kyrgyzstan’s growth figures. It now could slip into a recession. Tajikistan, on the other hand posted a promising 6.6% GDP growth in the first half of 2016 and state-owned smelter TALCO increased aluminium production. But these numbers should be read with caution. TALCO also said that it is currently operating at a loss, as its production costs are 25% higher than market prices.

>>Right, so is it all bad?

>>Not necessarily. Dollarisation, as Georgia’s Central Banker said this week, is still a problem across the region and the currencies continue to be weak. But despite some devaluations and depreciations, most of them have kept steady in 2016, which is a sign that governments want to keep their economies stable and will spend their reserves to prop them up.

>>And for companies looking to do business in the region, how bad is it?

>>If in 2015 we saw scores of international companies running away from projects in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, this year we’ve seen promising developments, such as the final investment decision for the expansion of the Tengiz oil- field in Kazakhstan and the signing of the contract for the construction of the Rogun dam in Tajikistan, both multibillion-dollar commitments. French hypermarket Auchan has also opened up its long-awaited store in Dushanbe. Perhaps confidence is returning or at least a sense of “let’s just get on with it”.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Kyrgyz President signs CASA-1000 deals

JULY 19 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev signed a range of laws that ratify domestic and international agreements on CASA-1000, an electricity transmission project that will send power from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Loans from international lenders, including the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, will make up 70% of Kyrgyzstan’s total funding for the project.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Uzbek PM warns Tajikistan on dangers of Rogun

JULY 19 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Uzbek PM Shavkat Mirziyoyev complained to his Tajik counterpart over the signing of a $3.9b contract with Italy’s Salini Impregilo to build the Rogun dam and hydropower station on the Vakhsh river.

Uzbekistan has always opposed the project, which it has said will reduce essential water flow from the Pamir mountains to the Amu Darya river which irrigates Uzbek cotton fields.

For Tajikistan, Rogun carries symbolic value, it will be the world’s tallest dam, and is also economically important.

Mr Mirziyoyev said Tajikistan’s stance will trigger a reaction.

“The persistence with which the Government of Tajikistan seeks at all costs to continue construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, cannot but cause anxiety for the possible dangerous and irreparable consequences of such risky steps taken by the Tajik side,” he wrote.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Tajikistan’s Central Bank increases interest rate

JULY 15 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Tajikistan’s Central Bank raised its key interest rate by two percentage points to 11%, its highest since 2009. It had kept the interest rate constant at 8% for over one year until March, when it was raised to 9%. The Central Bank said the move is in line with a policy to combat inflation and restore confidence in the country’s ailing banking sector.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

IS threat worsens in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan

JULY 15 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Russian defence minister Sergei Shiogu said that if countries in Central Asia and the South Caucasus ever sink into Syria-like civil war scenarios, Russia will use its military to intervene. Russia has carried out airstrikes in Syria against the IS extremist group. According to official sources, the number of South Caucasus and Central Asian citizens fighting for IS in Syria is rising.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)


Tajik court sentences Salafist activist

JULY 19 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — A Tajik court jailed Mukhammadi Rakhmatullo, alleged leader of Salafi, a banned conservative Islamic movement in Tajikistan, for seven years in prison. Rakhmatullo had allegedly returned to Tajikistan after a period working abroad and had continued to run the banned Salafi opposition movement. He was arrested in February during a mass security operation that jailed dozens of Salafists.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Trade and GDP shrink in Tajikistan

JULY 19 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Tajikistan’s Statistics Committee said that trade turnover in H1 2016 shrank by 2.8%, compared to the same period last year. Overall, Tajikistan posted a negative trade balance, as it exported goods and services worth $439.4m and imported $1.5b. The Committee also said that the country’s GDP grew by 6.6% in H1, in line with government projection of a 7% growth by the end of the year.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 290, published on July 22 2016)

Tajikistan establishes relations with Ecuador

JULY 12 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Makhmadamin Makhmadaminov, Tajikistan’s Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, signed an agreement with his Ecuadorian counterpart to establish relations between the two countries. Establishing diplomatic relations with distant countries is a window- dressing exercise for Central Asian and South Caucasus leaders.


Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 289, published on July 15 2016)