>>Central Bank has already increased interest rates this year>>
DEC. 29 2014, (The Conway Bulletin) — Inflation in Tajikistan jumped to over 7% in 2014, the Central Bank said, around double the rate in 2013.
The final figures for the year are not yet out but the Central Bank said annualised inflation up to the end of November had been 6.8% and that this would creep up again when December’s data was analysed.
Tajikistan raised its interest rates in October to 6.9%, its highest level since 2012, up from 4.8% earlier in the year, to try and steady its economy against rising inflation.
With remittances from Russia, which contribute to around 50% of GDP, dropping because of a slowdown in the Russian economy, Tajikistan is facing up to an increasingly tough time.
News that inflation is rising just adds to the headache.
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(News report from Issue No. 213, published on Jan. 7 2015)