Tag Archives: security

Defence minister from Azerbaijan, Turkey fly to Tbilisi

APRIL 2 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Defence ministers from Turkey and Azerbaijan flew to Tbilisi to discuss improving cooperation. Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia agreed last year to set up trilateral meetings. Armenia has been cast aside from the group.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

US/UK military exercise begins in Kazakhstan

APRIL 6 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – British and US soldiers have flown to Kazakhstan to take part in the Steppe Eagle annual military exercise. The exercise is routine but it is still a useful reminder that although Kazakhstan is close to Russia, it has also cultivated close ties with NATO forces.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Russia gives Tajikistan military aid

APRIL 3 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Tajikistan is poised to receive $1.2b in military equipment and weapons from Russia to fight against the radical Islamic group IS.

An unnamed source in the Russian Defence Ministry told Russian newspaper Kommersant the aid will be spread across the next few years. What is clear is that the aid pulls Tajikistan further into the Kremlin’s orbit and strengthen its security driven regional focus.

It also intensifies the rhetoric. Previously Russia and Tajikistan had discussed the threat posed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. That has now morphed into the threat from IS. IS had previously only been associated with recruiting in Central Asia.

Some analysts are sceptical and have said that Russia and various Central Asia countries are using IS and the Taliban as a scare-mongering tactic.

Earlier this month, President Emomali Rakhmon criticised women for wearing “foreign, non traditional clothes,” while the state television channel insinuated that demand for prostitutes wearing black hijabs was increasing. This resonated as a subtle comparison between women wearing traditional Islamic head scarves and prostitutes wearing black hijabs (April 1).

Tajikistan has taken a strong stance against radical Islam. This means more control over society, less freedom of expression, and more options for arbitrary rule of law.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Uzbek court jails 12 men for radical Islam

APRIL 8 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – A court in Uzbekistan sent 12 men to prison for belonging to a jihadist group, Russian news agencies reported. Prosecutors said the men were distributing pamphlets and videos promoting extremism. Central Asian governments are worried about the lure of the IS extremist group.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Argentina removes story on Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijani complaint

APRIL 7 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Argentinean news agency Telam removed from its website an article on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijani officials complained it was biased, media reported. Azerbaijan is very sensitive over how its dispute with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh is portrayed.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Uzbekistan wants to double rent on German base

APRIL 5 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Only a few months after agreeing a 35m euro/year deal to extend the lease on a German military base in south Uzbekistan, the Uzbek government wants to double the rent, the eurasianet.org website reported quoting German media. The German military base is now the only Western base in Central Asia.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

US State Dept criticises its embassy in Dushanbe

APRIL 7 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – The US State Department has criticised its embassy in Tajikistan for filing sanitised reports on civil violence in the south of the country in 2012 which ended with Tajik US-trained Special Forces shooting dead 20 civilians, the eurasianet.org website reported. The US State Department said its confidence in the embassy had been undermined.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Armenia takes part in NATO exercise

APRIL 6 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Thirty-six Armenian soldiers flew to Germany for a NATO military exercise, Armenian media reported. Armenia is the only former Soviet state to send a contingent to the exercise. Its participation shows that despite being a close ally of Russia, Armenia is still cooperating with the West.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Georgian community leaders want help stopping IS

APRIL 7 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) – Community leaders in Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge have asked the government for more help to stop teenagers heading to Syria to join the militant group IS, media reported. The Pankisi Gorge is an Islamic stronghold in Georgia and has strong ethnic and cultural ties to Chechnya in Russia.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)

Georgian defence minister rows with predecessor

APRIL 3 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) — Former Georgian defence minister Irakli Alasania accused his successor, Mindia Janelidze, of ditching a deal to buy air-to-ground missiles from France, media reported. Mr Alasania, sacked last year, said scrapping the deal weakened Georgia.

Copyright ©The Conway Bulletin — all rights reserved

(News report from Issue No. 226, published on April 8 2015)