NOV. 18 2015 (The Conway Bulletin) — Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are having to brace themselves for a tough 2016. Oil prices are expected to stay low and output is likely to drop too.
Oil exports from Azerbaijan were down by 0.4% in Jan.-Oct. 2015 compared to last year, due to a decline in oil production, according to a source quoted by Reuters, a continuation of steady trend at its major oil field ACG.
BP is under pressure to stem the drop, and has said that it is on target to achieve this. Now an estimate from the US-based Energy
Information Administration appears to back this up. It said Azerbaijan is likely to maintain this year’s average of 870,000 barrels/day, or even more, in the first half of 2016.
But OPEC, a club of oil exporting countries that does not include Azerbaijan, disagrees.
It predicted oil output of 820,000 barrels/day for 2016, a 6% drop compared to 2015.
“Lower prices are likely to accelerate declines in Azerbaijan’s production in 2016 compared to 2015,” OPEC said in a report.
And Kazakhstan is also sending worrying signals.
Yerbolat Dossayev, minister of economy, said the government cut Kazakhstan’s oil output projection for 2015 by 1.5m tonnes to 79m tonnes, a 2.3% fall. OPEC agreed.
“With no new project startups lined up for next year, declining rates are likely to step up in 2016,” it said in its monthly report.
Analysts expect Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, which cannot influence oil prices, to produce and export at maximum capacity, while cutting down on investment. Earning hard currency from exports is top of the agenda for Central Asia and South Caucasus countries.
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(News report from Issue No. 257, published on Nov. 20 2015)