NOV. 25 2016 (The Conway Bulletin) — Amsterdam-based Nostrum Oil & Gas posted a decline in revenues it its Q3 report this week, but that didn’t stop investors buying its stock.
Nostrum’s stock price climbed back to November 2015 levels, seemingly dispersing the tough months of 2016, when oil prices plunged to around $30/barrel.
The company successfully cut costs and hopes to contain the drop in production to around 10% this year. Next year, the company will further reduce costs once it starts sending its oil through the KazTransOil pipeline due to be completed in Q2 2017.
“We look forward to realising a significant decrease in transportation costs once the KTO pipeline connection is complete by Q2 next year,” CEO Kai-Uwe Kessel said in a statement.
“Our focus now turns towards the 2017 drilling programme and delivering our major infrastructure project, GTU3, on time and on budget.”
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(News report from Issue No. 306, published on Nov. 25 2016)