May 17 2014 (The Conway Bulletin) – In 2013, Kazakhstan convicted 31 policemen of using torture, media reported.
This is an important statistic as it shows that the Kazakh authorities are not just paying lip service to the idea of reducing the use of torture by the security forces to obtain confessions, a routine criticism of Central Asian states by human rights groups.
The deputy prosecutor of Kazakhstan, Zhakyp Asanov, said that the number of investigations against Kazakh police in the past five years had increased tenfold. This, he said, underlined Kazakhstan’s commitment to improving human rights.
“We react to reports of torture immediately and take all required measures to investigate the report,” Mr Asanov said. Of course these actions are welcome and there are signs that this more humane approach to detainees is taking shape in Kazakhstan.
Earlier this year, a Kazakh court upheld a compensation claim ordered against the police for the torture of a man held in detention in March 2007.
That said, there is a lot more to do. Torture as a method to extract confessions from detainees is still fairly routine in Kazakhstan, rather than being isolated incidences, as Mr Asanov’s figures tend to suggest. Prison conditions are also considered poor.
In a report in 2013, Amnesty International said it “accused the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, of pulling the wool over the eyes of the international community in his government’s promise to eradicate torture and fully investigate the lethal force by police.”
Its report described torture as rife in Kazakh detention centres.
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(News report from Issue No. 185, published on May 21 2014)