News from Central Asia & the South Caucasus

Independent-minded, incisive and committed to covering the news without bias, the Central Asia and South Caucasus Bulletin has been reporting on the region since September 2010.

The Bulletin is the top independent weekly newspaper for Central Asia and the South Caucasus, blending business and economic news with international affairs and regional politics. Government agencies, blue chip multi-national corporates, banks, law firms, universities, oil and gas producers and interested individuals all subscribe to The Bulletin.

The mission of the 8-page newspaper is to provide easy-to-read, relevant and thought-provoking news coverage of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Now included with a subscription to The Bulletin is  access to our fully searchable and fully tagged archive with over 10,000 stories.

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A bit more info on the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin:

>>What is The Bulletin and how does it cover Central Asia and the South Caucasus?

Edited in the UK, The Bulletin was established in September 2010 by James Kilner, still the owner and editor. It maintains correspondents in all eight countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus. That’s Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

>>So it clearly has a specialism, which is good, but what else does The Bulletin believe in?
Central to The Bulletin is its vision of journalism and treatment of the news. The Bulletin aims to provide unbiased, independent relevant and easily digestible coverage of Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

This is summed up in The Bulletin’s motto: “Independence, integrity, brevity”.

Of course, good journalism is irrelevant without context. Context underpins The Bulletin.

>>And who reads The Bulletin?
We have a diverse group of readers which includes major global financial institutions, energy companies, law firms, interested individuals, embassies.

We also have an online searchable archive which holds around 10,000 stories. The data in this archive is searchable via tags and gives a detailed potted history of issues across the region. Perfect for targeted searches.

>>This all sounds good. Who is the editor?
The editor and publisher of The Bulletin is James Kilner. He has lived in and reported from the former Soviet Union since 2001. He’s been based in Kazakhstan as a correspondent twice, once from 2002-4 and again from 2011-12. Between 2006-9 James was based in Moscow.

James was a staff correspondent with Reuters news agency in 2004-10 and from 2011 reported on Central Asia for the Daily Telegraph. In 2022-25, James was the Russia correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, reporting on the Kremlin as well as from Central Asia and the South Caucasus during the first three years of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Bulletin is owned by Cross Fell ltd, which is a registered company in England. It was incorporated on March 3 2011 and holds company number 7551151.

>>What are the contact details? I may want to get in touch on other issues.
Please do. You can email James at He’s more than happy to give people free trials of The Bulletin.